Thursday, June 17, 2010

Family History

Humor U is currently doing it's family history. We are going through all our old footage from the past four years and converting it to a digital format that can be edited and uploaded on the internet. We have a goal to cull through the nearly 500 hours of footage and clip out the best jokes and performances from all of it. Then we'll post them on YouTube for the world to see and enjoy. There is enough laughter and funnies in those 500 hours to cure cancer I'm pretty sure. We'll probably squeeze about 10 hours of fantastic footage out of those 500 hours. Only the best for our fans. It's our service to you. It's like the Humor U scrapbook for the world. Along the way we will discover and reveal some unfamiliar cast members to many of you. Also some moments that we can't believe we forgot. Let's all remember them together and laugh again. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to catch these nuggets as we release them:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's spring training time for Humor U. It's time to get back to drills, stretching, working out, beefing up, and practice, practice, practice. We have some promising rookies this year. Will they make it through spring training?